Part 2 Update A

While working on Part 3, I found a fair share of issues to fix in parts 1 and 2 so here is a collection of mostly minor bug fixes.
I hope you are enjoying the game and are excited to see how it continues!

  • Seleth's Magic Attack growth rate has been increased
  • MP potion now restores the proper amount of MP
  • Potions now heal 300 HP (was 500)
  • Various skills and items have updated art such as weapons
  • Various skills have changed messages when they are used
  • Desert now has a slightly increased encounter rate
  • Party is now healed when resting at the end of Part 1
  • Party is now healed when resting on the first night of Part 2
  • Fixed bug where one of the children in Part 2 would spawn early
  • Fixed bug where player could not heal in their room in Part 2
  • Also removed Dreck and Leonard from appearing in there, unmoving
  • Cleaned up some stray pixels in Leonard side-view battler
  • ??? now has the boss defeat effect
  • Fixed tile issues in various rooms

Files 282 MB
Jul 29, 2023 240 MB
Jul 29, 2023

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